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The Wallawisa philosophy


AYAKUNA, the Book

yakuna is a compilation of stories based on indigenous myths and legends which purpose is to encourage reflection on the need to establish a balance between human beings, nature and the spiritual relm. Narrated in a simple and close way and endowed with great sensitivity, these stories explore themes such as love, illness, fear, existential crisis or death, offering guidelines to try to understand and face them at every moment of life.

There is no shortage of allusions to the problems that plague the world, such as the lack of values , dehumanization and existential emptiness, and for all of them the author offers solutions based on the management of emotions, communication with the spiritual realm, or the use of natural medicine.

Ancla 1

A spiritual connection

In an increasingly less sensitive world, it is important to understand and care for our native people, their culture and spirituality. Learn about the balance of life in nature, its rites, myths, legends, stories and fantasies walking along the path of indigenous wisdom and following the cause of an ancestral spirituality that is reborn in our time.


Yakuna is an ode to spirituality, which connects with the sensitivity of the reader with a lyrical but accessible language.


Actually it is full, not only of deep knowledge, but philosophical content that distills out of each chapter. I congratulate you once again on your work. (Federico Kauffmann Doig) 


Attractive book for the reader for its expressions, creative ability, ease of reading and background.


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